Archive 02/09/2021.

Bojack Horseman


So Bojack just had it’s series finale air on Jan. 31st and I just binged the last few episodes (Season 6 was split into 2 half seasons at 8 episodes each). I’m incredibly satisfied with how it ended but I’m very sad to see the show come to an end.

Thoughts on the finale episode

To quote Bojack, there are no happy endings in life because the show must go on.

The finale shot between Bojack and Diane sitting on the roof staring at the the night sky was just such a nice moment. Both of them just wanted to let everything out, say everything, share everything, but both choose not to. They don’t fully make peace one another and aren’t the best buddies they once were. They’re relationship has changed with time, they’ve changed over the years. And that’s okay.

And it extends out to the other central characters in the show and their relationship with Bojack. Todd is okay with Bojack again, but the times of him crashing on Bojack’s couch and getting into wacky hijinks together are done. Princess Carolyn is finally able to establish boundaries with Bojack by declining to be his agent/producer/crisis manager that she has been for so many years. And Mr. Peanutbutter…well he is still Mr. Peanutbutter. He seems to be ride and die for Bojack lol.

It’s wild to me that this was a show I wrote off for it’s first 3 years because it just looked…wacky/crazy for the sake of being wacky and crazy and just really not my thing. I mean the main character is a talking horse. But it’s easily one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. This is a show that can do deep dives into serious subject matters while at the same time come up with animal puns and manages to nail both of them. As I said I’m very sad to see this series go (especially since it was revealed that Netflix pulled the plug on them), but it was nice while it lasted.


Your positive thoughts on it push me a little closer to maybe watching it. I’ve been reluctant for similar reasons that you stated and also a general dislike of the type of humor typically found in adult animation – but maybe that’s an unfair stereotype to levy on Bojack. I also dislike Will Arnett for some inexplicable reason. Maybe I’ll give it a shot.


The thing with Bojack is that I don’t even really consider it a comedy? Like it is funny, there are jokes and gags throughout the entire series that are real clever and make me laugh but there is so much more going on. It’s the non-funny bits that really cemented the show for me.

The first half of season 1 is rough. It’s very much trying to find it’s footing as to what the show actually wants to be but it finally does in the last few episodes of the season. From there it then continues to nail what it’s going for it in subsequent seasons.