The newest official supplement for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount allows players to create their own adventures set in the world of web show Critical Role’s ongoing second campaign.
The continent of Wildemount in the world of Exandria is currently being rocked by a war between its largest two powers, the Dwendalian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty of Xhorhas. The book includes plot hooks to use within this setting, new monsters, magical artifacts called the Vestiges of Divergence, a new branch of magic called dunamancy, which deals in time, gravity, and probability, and new subclasses like the Echo Knight, the Graviturgist, the Chronurgist, and more. The book also introduces a new feature called the heroic chronicle, which allows players to create character backstories grounded in the new setting.
Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount will release on March 17. Critical Role’s Dungeon Master and the book’s lead writer Matthew Mercer talks about various aspects of the supplement here.
Personally I’m PSYCHED for this book to come out! I’ve been following Critical Role for three years now; they published a third-party campaign setting based on the first campaign in 2017, but getting an official supplement published by Wizards of the Coast is a WHOLE other thing. Watching the current campaign, I’ve seen glimpses of some of the new things that’ll be in this book, and it’s SO COOL.