Announced in the Pokémon Direct on January 9, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX is a Nintendo Switch remake of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red & Blue Rescue Team for the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS.
Rescue Team DX puts you in the shoes of a human who has lost their memory and been mysteriously transformed into a Pokémon at a time when the Pokémon world has been experiencing an uptick in natural disasters. In response to the disasters, Pokémon have been forming Rescue Teams in order to help out those in need. You decide to join a Rescue Team to aid the cause, and to piece together your past and find out why you’ve been transformed.
Some confirmed changes in the remake include the ability to choose the Pokémon you play as if you don’t want to stick with whatever the game’s personality quiz assigns you, a streamlining of the IQ system, the ability to control any member of your team from the start of the game, the ability to have up to eight team members in a dungeon at once, and the addition of Mega Evolution from Pokémon X & Y.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX launches on March 6. A free demo is available to download now, with the ability to transfer your progress to the full game.
I have really fond memories of the original Rescue Team games, and I was disappointed when Pokémon’s seventh generation didn’t have a Mystery Dungeon spinoff, so I’m thrilled that this game is coming! I’m really looking forward to seeing what else gets changed to modernize the game or incorporate newer aspects of the Pokémon series!