Archive 02/09/2021.

Shield of Tomorrow / Clear Skies


Shield of Tomorrow is a live-play of the tabletop RPG Star Trek Aventures from Geek & Sundry. Taking place concurrently with Deep Space Nine, it follows the crew of the U.S.S. Sally Ride, a ship built for deep-space exploration and scientific discovery, as they navigate political tensions and track a never-before-seen cosmic phenomenon. The series ran from 2017-2018, and is available in its entirety on YouTube.

The Players

Eric Campbell - Game Master
Hector Navarro - Rafael Martinez (Captain, human)
Sam De Leve - Junil Rue (Tactical Officer/XO, Trill)
Aliza Pearl - T’Lan (Science Officer, Vulcan)
Amy Dallen - Throlo Sh’shirros (Chief Medical Officer, Andorian)
Bonnie Gordon - Lark Sage (Helmswoman, Bajoran)
Gina DeVivo - Mala Ren (Engineering second-in-command, Betazoid)

clear skies smaller

A successor series from QueueTimes, Clear Skies, began this month. This show retains most of the cast members of Shield of Tomorrow, but is unconnected to its predecessor due to legal reasons. This show takes place a few years after Voyager, and follows the crew of the U.S.S. Mary G. Ross, built for diplomacy and technological innovation, as Starfleet tries to rediscover itself after years of war. New episodes air live on Twitch on Mondays at 6:30pm PT, and are uploaded to YouTube on Thursdays.

The Players

Eric Campbell - Game Master
Sam De Leve - Azeri Sull (Captain, Orion)
Gina DeVivo - EXEO (Counselor/XO, hologram)
Revati Dhomse - Jane Lakat (Science Officer, Cardassian)
Xander Jeanneret - Theq Lynadas (Chief Engineer, Bolian)
Bonnie Gordon - M’Qrell (Chief Medical Officer, Caitian)
Aki - Olyn Madzhin-Nil (Ambassador, Deltan)

I got into Shield of Tomorrow from when Critical Role was still produced by Geek & Sundry, and I loved it, so watching Clear Skies has felt like a nice, cozy return, and both shows have gotten me interested in watching more Star Trek.