Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate survivors.
When a violent event disrupts that peace, Ellie embarks on a relentless journey to carry out justice and find closure. As she hunts those responsible one by one, she is confronted with the devastating physical and emotional repercussions of her actions.
I picked this up on release date and am making my way through. Joe and I are kind of switching off playing it since we’re both invested in the story, so I’m not quite binging through as I would if playing alone. We are up to Seattle Day 3 heading to the hospital (~14 hours in, which I think is a little past the halfway point).
There’s of course been a lot of controversy surrounding this game, which first (I think) sprung up after their E3 2018 showing because it showed on on-screen kiss between two women. A few weeks ago, some leaks came out about the game devoid of any context, which featured twists that upset some people. In the few days since release, the game has been review bombed for various reasons that are hard to get into without spoiling anything.
I have mostly successfully avoided spoilers, which I am happy about because I am very invested in the story and seeing how things play out. I was concerned in the days leading up to release after hearing some commentary from various outlets and folx on Twitter about just how violent and gory the game was. I also read that the game may reinforce the kill your gays trope and treat a trans character poorly, but I have not encountered either situation yet and can’t really comment on them yet. I spoilered those out just because I don’t know what everyone’s tolerance is for what is and is not a spoiler; they are very general statements. I am generally really sensitive to spoilers, but knowing those two things prior to playing the game I don’t feel has really affected my enjoyment besides making me concerned for Dina and Ellie, but I think I would have been concerned about them anyway.
So far however I have not been at all bothered by any of the violence or gore in it. Don’t get me wrong: it is a violent game, and there’s blood and limbs flying and peoples’ necks getting bitten by some nasty creatures. It’s not pleasant by any means. For a little context, I don’t fuck with horror at all and can be a little squeamish. Video games however have never really gotten to me. I’m kinda questioning if maybe I just have a really high tolerance for that sort of thing or if the whole This Video Game is About Real Violence thing was just an overblown marketing gimmick. Similarly, I don’t feel like this is an unbearably brutal game that I’m having trouble playing through. Again, the violence and brutality is there. I’m concerned for the characters, both physically and emotionally. But there are also moments of (extended!) humanity and levity that help ground and soften everything.
The gameplay is generally solid. I don’t think it’s anything revolutionary, more that it’s like the first game: doing basic things (stealth and gunplay) well. There is definitely a weight to it that makes you consider how you approach combat situations, which they also did well in the first game. I do feel that the combat sequences can drag a little bit – there are some really big areas in this game that have a lot of enemies in them. Maybe I’m just excited to move forward in the story, though. The dogs are a real pain in the ass.
I am enjoying the story so far, too. I like the way they’ve grown Ellie’s character, and I think the new characters are generally interesting and well-written – mostly Dina so far, because I haven’t seen too much of Jesse and Abby yet. I do want to talk about a major moment that happens in the first few hours of the game, so here is my fair warning that a big spoiler is coming up and even if you’ve clicked the others and said Cassie that’s not a spoiler, this one is going to piss you off if you haven’t played the game yet. Joel dying was of course shocking in its brutality but not something that really surprised me. To me, it seemed inevitable given the marketing of the game and the Death of the Mentor stage of the Hero’s Journey. I do know that people are being babies about this online, too, but I also really fucking hate Joel. I’m not rejoicing in his death, but I think he’s an ethically and morally fucked up dude not just for the whole “endure and survive” thing but also for lying to Ellie and robbing her of any agency. I am glad that they seem to be grappling with the weight of what happened at the end of the first game, and I think that Ellie will learn the truth from either the WLF, who I imagine went after Joel for what he did to the Fireflies/Marlene or from finding something in Seattle, since iirc that’s where the hospital was at the end of TLoU.
Anyway, tl;dr is I think I’m halfway through and I’m enjoying it so far. I was really skeptical of some of the things I read about the game prior to release re:violence and brutality and handling sensitive issues, so I’m happy to answer any questions for anyone considering picking up the game who has similar reservations (without spoilers of course).