Archive 02/09/2021.

What’s the vibe this week? (June 14 - June 20)


Welcome to our weekly what’s the vibe thread! This is a community topic where you can share what you’re reading, listening to, playing, watching, working on, etc. every week . We encourage you to interact within this thread and share your thoughts, but if you want to have an extended, long-form discussion, go ahead and make a full thread about the content in the appropriate category to keep things organized and visible.


My sleep schedule has been downright horrendous these last couple days. Went to bed at 4am & got up at 8am today :grimacing: Gonna try to force myself to get to bed around midnight today, so hopefully that will help that


Well, I decided to do something drastic this morning. It’s been something I’ve thought about a lot but never actually thought about putting effort in. Today I registered for graduate school; specifically to go back for my Masters in Education. There’s a lot that needs to be done over the next several weeks, but I took the first step and submitted my education.

I have also been working on my performing abilities more recently. It helps that I just got the Hamilton songbook and am digging deep into that. The main songs I’m working on right now are You’ll Be Back and Wait For It, both of which I can mostly do with my vocal range (damn my low confidence in my falsetto). Maybe I’ll also dabble with Burn…

This is mostly just for fun since I’m sure it wouldn’t be a wise idea to present a song from Hamilton as an audition (it’s not good practice to audition with songs that are too well-known or overused). Not that there’s many opportunities to audition for anything lately anyway.


God mine has been terrible too. I don’t know what it is, but no matter when I go to bed lately, I sleep until 10:30 or 11:00. Then I spend an hour in bed on social media. I need to fix it too.

That’s so exciting! Congratulations! What did you do your undergrad in and what cert will your Masters program lead to (like content area/age group)? I know I complain a lot about grad school on here, but on the whole, I’m glad for the experience. Not that I really had much choice in the matter since my state requires teachers to obtain a related Masters within five years, but my program has been really valuable. I did my undergrad in education too though so my situation is a little different. I’m always curious to hear the experiences of folks who went the content area BA/BS route then later obtained a cert through alt cert or a Masters program.

Definitely do reach out if you want some teacher talk.