Archive 02/09/2021.

What’s your worldbuilding process?


As some of you probably know, I’ve been trying to get back into writing after years of not doing much of it. Something that I’ve really come to simultaneously enjoy and loathe has been the worldbuilding process, and I’m really curious how other people go about it.

In case anyone mya be unfamiliar with it, here’s a short summary from Wikipedia’s article:

Worldbuilding is the process of constructing an imaginary world, sometimes associated with a whole fictional universe.[1] The resulting world may be called a constructed world (or conworld ). Developing an imaginary setting with coherent qualities such as a history, geography, and ecology is a key task for many science fiction or fantasy writers.[2] Worldbuilding often involves the creation of maps, a backstory, and people for the world. Constructed worlds can enrich the backstory and history of fictional works, and it is not uncommon for authors to revise their constructed worlds while completing its associated work.

In my experiences, I’ve always noticed that I have the easiest time with, and most fun, building the main characters first and foremost. From there I usually go on to try and tackle the plot based on the motivations of the characters, then the setting, and finally doing a lot more of the historical background work (which is the part I loathe, lol).

How do y’all go about assembling the building blocks for your writing?


Oh man, my worldbuilding Google Docs are just pages and pages of haphazard, unorganized bullet points, lol. Like you, I tend to start (and do the most, frankly) with the bits that directly affect my characters. Aside from that, when I have an idea for a story I usually have some specific images, scenes, plot points, etc. in my mind, so I work from those next. And then sometimes I find or come up with an idea I really want to use and then work backwards to make it fit in the world.