You is an American psychological thriller television series developed by Greg Berlanti and Sera Gamble. Produced by Warner Horizon Television, in association with Alloy Entertainment and A&E Studios, the first season is based on the 2014 novel by Caroline Kepnes and follows Joe Goldberg, a New York bookstore manager and serial killer who falls in love with a customer named Guinevere Beck and quickly develops an extreme, toxic, and delusional obsession.
I just finished the two seasons of this show that are currently out. It’s very bingeable! I enjoyed it. Wondering if anyone here has watched it.
Thoughts on season one
I really enjoyed this season. I liked Beck a lot, though I worry she sometimes was pushed into the manic pixie dream girl territory – but then, Joe’s creepy pursuit of her and desire to “fix” her could probably be seen as subverting that trope. I thought her death was actually well done, too – it’s not super murder porn-y in that we never actually see Joe do it nor do we ever see her corpse. It gives her death this sadness; we know what’s bound to happen when Joe pulls her back into the basement. There’s an inevitability to it through the whole season, and we get that final glimmer of hope through Paco, which is just crushed in front of us.
Aaand season two
I preferred season one, but I still enjoyed this one. I loved Forty in particular. I felt the Will subplot dragged on a little too long, and Joe’s plot armor was a little too thick this time around. There’s not the same feeling of consequence and complication when he kills people. Like the Henderson investigation is a semi-looming threat, but it never feels too serious or urgent to deal with. I also don’t care for something that has been repeated through the two seasons: when Joe is dumped by his pretty white girl crushes, he gets it on with women of color as a distraction. Granted, Beck and Love are much worse people than Karen and Delilah, but it just feels like a gross pattern.
I’m interested to read the books the show is based on, but I also have no time for that lol